Thursday, July 23, 2015

Some good and bad changes

Well I've pooped 4 mornings in a row!! I know! Gross right?! Well it used to be like that every day. Now I'm lucky if its 2x a week. Not good when ur trying to lose weight. I'm hoping it will start curbing the late food cravings cuz its killing me. I don't even feel like I eat that much but I'm still getting fatter even though I'm killing myself as far as working out goes. Yesterday I went to yoga I  the morning. I was so bloated and my leg hurt so bad it was one of the worst sessions I have had in years. Couldn't balance to save my life either. Then I went to the gym for about 45 to 60 minutes cuz I didnt feel like I got to work out my core at yoga cuz I felt so bad. Then I surfed boneyard with rick for about an hour in the late afternoon. So you figure like 3 hours or more I worked out yesterday. And it's been like that so much lately. Again....I don't need the food late. I'm not hungry. Its like my body says to do it because something is off. Not sure if its fiber or iron or what but its killing me. Doesnt matter how strong I am if I'm fat. And I hate it. I knew there would be struggles but this is ridiculous. Now looking at replacing half my dinner with a juice plus protein shake just to help with vitamins and fiber late in the day since I struggle the most then. We will see if that helps. I haven't had a down day for 2 weeks. I should be so ripped for me at this point. Its been 2 months and I can tell how much stronger I am and I can see some of it. But its under all this flab so makes no difference. Wtf.

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