Sunday, July 5, 2015

Day 6, 7, and 8

Well day 6 was okay. Mom brought home 2 shortbread cookies from her friend for me. She knows they are my favorite. I ate dinner later than normal...630pm. Didnt eat a ton but late enough where my stomache wasn't empty before bed. I swear my metabolism stops at 5pm. So if I eat later than that then my belly isn't empty by bed time.
Went to the gym by myself. Not surprised. When I put the 4th day in there I knew Domo would balk. He hesitated when I said it in the first place so wasn't surprised when I got the text at 10am. Michele I'm sure was very sore and I never saw Natalie. Oh well. I did the work anyway. It was day 4 in a row  of gym and swim.

I went to yoga at 8am. Its the only class they were offering on 4th of july. Very full class but good. I knew it would be my food cheat day. Had dinner late with mom and bro. 630 almost 7. Carol came and we walked the dogs til a little after 6. I ate an enormous bowl of ice cream which made me sick til very late in the night. I think that's part of why I didn't sleep so well. There were enough fireworks that I was up with the dogs at 230am. Then finally fell asleep around 3ish. It was hot in the room and I couldn't open the door cuz of the fireworks.  Ended up snuggling teeny w me to calm him down.
I won't over eat like that again. Plus it confirms my whole eating late theory. I will sleep much better with an empty belly because it will help my meds work better which means better sleep.
Not sure what today will bring. Still feeling over full. Finally pooped but its been quite awhile. I know it sounds bad but its a big part of weight loss. Since my meds stop up I have to take more meds to un do it. But I can't seem to get back on track. I'm trying though. Prob wont eat much now that breakfast is done. Not sure if I'm taking the day off or surfing. Really want to surf but there hasn't been any.

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