Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Small victories

A small victory....I pooped again this morning! Haha gross I know. Seems to go in waves. My system still needs more fiber and I know that's the big problem right now. Its hard to get fresh greens in me with the back and forth schedule. They just don't travel well. I'm probably going to start on juice plus complete daily as a workout recovery. It has fiber in it so hoping that will help. Gonna pick some up tomorrow. I think its gonna cost 40 a month. We will see how long I can afford it. Otherwise the fiber gummy ez at costco are 20 or 25 bucks for a big thing of 2 that have 5 grams of fiber. I should be getting 30 a day.
Yesterday was crazy. I waited 2 hours at boneyard for rick to show up after he said 45min. It was kinda sloppy but still fun. I had a lady from KION interview me about the shark attack on mick fanning. That was kinda cool. They ended up using an interview from Peter mel instead but since he was there and on the ski that rescued him I think that's a much better use of airtime than me.
Then when I walked redley at 8pm when it cooled off some....we got to via paraiso and 2 brown standard poodles came running up. No owners no leashes and no tags!!! I didn't know what to do cuz if they had tags I couldve called the owner. They wanted to play with redley! I thought someone in the park owned them cuz I thought I heard them get called cuz then they ran off. But when I went to go go down the hill the came running to us again! A couple on that side came out and tried to help but it turns out they didn't run from me because of redley.  They ran from the husband. I was just gonna keep walking but then I realized if I left they would be outside in the dark and anything could happen at that point. I asked the husband where he past saw them and went that way and started listening for barking. Sure enough I found them a few blocks later. Luckily a lady got them and her husband went to get leashes. I stayed put cuz they weren't afraid of redley and he seemed to calm them down. They had a yard to keep them in and we're gonna call PD for help. They were both unfixed. A male and female. People don't seem to understand that unfixed dogs tend to roam. I would say 90% or more of all the loose ones I've come across were all unfixed!
Then when I got back to the high school (2 blocks from moms) a woman in an SUV pulls over to me (I thought she was gonna ask about the dogs for sure) and asked if I had seen a blonde girl walking a German Shepherd!  Which I hadnt. She just drove off after that. I have no idea how old the girl was or how long she had been missing. I guess she wasn't that worried or she wouldve told me more....or at least I would hope she would.
Crazy day.
Almost forgot. I was fine until after a light dinner but again...I think fiber is the issue. My body keeps wanting me to eat stuff that's going to get my system moving. Sugar seems to be its next option. Not sure why. I ate a bunch of trader joe cookie butter which has ginger in it. Not sure if that's why I seek to crave it but I do. Anyway...hoping to have that changed this week!

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