Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Been awhile

Well it's been a few weeks since I posted. I'm starting to see some differences and fix some things too. I just wish the place I work the hardest....on my core strength...would show first and not last. But I always lose it in my arms first, then legs, then neck and chest, then abs. So my pants still fit around the waist the same but are a lot looser in the legs.
I got my juice plus complete vanilla 2 weeks ago. I'm using that as meal replacement at dinner most days. Its not perfect but its better. I've stopped buying most dinner foods because I was overeating at lunch to compensate and that doesn't help much. Yes, my body is metabolizing it better and faster during that time but it's still the same number of calories. It was making me even more tired in the afternoon too because I was so full.
On Saturday after yoga I layer in the sun with Carol for awhile. When I went to get up the right side of my low back was in so much pain I almost fell over and blacked out. I'm pretty sure it's either a pinch or muscle issue. But I didn't need either!!! My back is so bad as it is thst this just made it so much worse! Its now tuesday and I'm not sure its any better. I told my doctor that if it wasn't better by Thursday that I would make an appointment. I are the mistake of sleeping on my side for 30min this morning. Thought I was going to die when  I tried to get up. Holy shit it hurt to even flinch. Wtf. I switched from Tylenol to aleve cuz it works better but its hard on my stomache and kidneys so I don't lime taking a lot of it.
Fiber issue was better but then had to double up on my meds when the back thing happened so now I'm backed up again. Feeling fat and yucky. No surf, can't go to yoga or the gym, and I'm in severe pain. Fun fun. Been resting, icing, heat and stretching too but only getting very minor help from that. I hope the rest of the week gets better.

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